Our Mission
Workinitiatives creates a direct line between all local and international talent, and Australian employers and
recruiters. It brings job seekers, employers, recruiters, and migration specialists together in one seamless
platform designed for a world where borders shouldn’t be barriers.
For employers and recruiters, Australia is facing critical shortages in all industry sectors, with our lowest
unemployment rate in history. Between December 2019 and December 2021, Australia also lost nearly half a
million people from our shores. We’re seeing the highest number of job ads in decades alongside historic lows
in job applications.
Our mission is to help solve Australia’s labour shortage by connecting employers and recruiters with the best
local and international talent. We’ve created a destination site where employers and recruiters can find
Australians locally, Australians on the move and relocating, people travelling to Australia to live and work, and
international travellers with a right to work that are already in Australia. On the other side of the Workinitiatives
platform, job-seekers can find Australian employers willing to hire them.
For international job seekers, we know how difficult it can be to get clear, easy, accessible information to
support a working holiday or even a bigger move overseas. We’re here to help make travelling to, and living
and working in Australia, that much easier.